

facebook: oneil.denoux

twitter: ONeilDeNoux

novelist, short story writer, screenwriter

O’Neil De Noux

WELCOME to my website where you will find books I've written, a biography and contact information. Although I write mostly crime fiction set in New Orleans, I also write in other genres and about other locales. You will find mysteries and historical fiction, children’s fiction, mainstream fiction, science-fiction, fantasy, horror, western, literary, religious, romance, humor and erotica.


in 2025



The 2020 Shamus Award for Best Private Eye Short Story was awarded to "Sac-a-lait Man" by O'Neil De Noux

"Sac-a-lait Man" was published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September-October 2019 Issue

The prestigious Shamus Awards are given annually by The Private Eye Writers of America to recognize

oustanding achievement in private eye fiction.

Ellery Queen asked Mr. De Noux to read the story for their podcast

Link HERE to connect to the podcast and listen to the story for free

Another NEW Lucien Caye Private Eye Novel